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Top 10 Tips for Obtaining Fire Insurance

Ricardo Lara, California's Insurance Commissioner, suggests the top 10 ways to get fire insurance in today's difficult market. A summary follows, To read the entire article, including contact lists and tools, click here.

  1. Contact your insurer and ask if there are any specific actions you could take.
  2. If you think your nonrenewal was unfair, file a complaint with us.
  3. Start your search for a new insurer. First do everything you can to mitigate fire risk.
  4. Use our Residential Insurance Company Contact List that provides toll free numbers for over 50 insurers.
  5. For specific languages, you can use our Agent Language Locator.
  6. Use our Premium Comparison Tool and Coverage Comparison Tool
  7. Contact independent agents or brokers who represent multiple insurers to seek coverage. 
  8. The California FAIR Plan is available to every homeowner as a last option for coverage. 
  9. If none of these options work for you, you can try to obtain coverage in the "surplus lines" market through a surplus lines broker.
  10. You are always welcome to call the Department of Insurance toll free at 1-800-927-4357.