OHAFSC is part of the South County Fuel Reduction $2.1 Million Grant
The Oak Hill Area Fire Safe Council worked with five other Fire Safe Councils in the south part of El Dorado County in developing a project to reduce hazardous fuels along eight key roadways in this part of the County. This included Pleasant Valley Road and portions of Oak Hill Rd and Big Oak Rd. The project also includes four Shaded Fuel Breaks in this area to help firefighters in the event of a wildfire!
Take a look at the map to see where this work is planned:

The grant was through CAL FIRE’s Wildfire Prevention grant program and is being implemented through the El Dorado County Resource Conservation District. Where the proposed fuel reduction overlaps private property, work will be conducted with the property owner’s approval at no expense to the landowners.
In 2023, initial data is being collected to narrow down where the hazardous fuel needs to be reduced and then needed environmental analyses will be completed (including identifying sensitive cultural, biological and botanical locations, etc.). We will also be working with private land owners whose land is within the planned treatment area to obtain Right of Entry agreements; mailings are expected to be sent starting in late spring of 2023.
The work itself is anticipated to being in late Spring or Summer of 2023 and continue for two years. Here is a LINK to a more detailed description of the work that is planned.
This project is only a part of how we make our community more fire-safe. Reducing hazardous fuels like dense brush and trees immediately along private roads is also needed, as is continuing to create and maintain defensible space around your home and working to harden your home against wildfire embers getting in!