Get Cal Fire, EDC Sheriff, and P'ville CHP Alerts via Twitter

Sign up to get Twitter alerts on your cell phone from Cal Fire, the El Dorado County Sheriff, and Placerville CHP. It's a good idea to get alerts from more than one source. According to some news articles, Paradise residents reported that Code Red alerts went out much later (sometimes hours) than Twitter alerts.
Here are the steps to get alerts on your cell phone from Twitter:
1) Add the Twitter app to your cell phone
2) When you sign-up, add your cell phone number
3) After you've registered, use the search feature to find:
- @CalFireAEU (Cal Fire Amador El Dorado Unit)
- @ElDoradoSheriff
- @CHPPlacerville
4) On each agency's page, click both the Follow and Notifications (Bell) buttons.
On your Twitter Home page you'll see the posts for each agency and get text alerts when there is an emergency notification. In the post, there's usually a blue hashtag (#firename) that you can click to see all of the posts on Twitter for that incident.
Note: You'll get two alert messages if you leave the Twitter app on your phone - one text alert and one app alert. Some people choose to delete the app after set-up so they get only the text alerts. You may decide to keep the app if you'd like to get the alerts faster,